good deeds to honor God

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Good Deeds to Honor God

Your good deeds help people and bring praise to your Father.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 NKJV


As Christians who are following the teachings and love of Jesus, we do good deeds. But at the core of our deeds, what is really our motivation? Do we want to be seen by others and thought of as exceptional people? Do we desire the praise and admiration of others? Is wanting to be thought of as an example the driving force? Do we, instead, want to do good deeds to honor God?


Jesus tells us in our verse today in Matthew 5:16 that we are to let our light shine.

In other words, the goodness of our faith that is shining within us must be let out into the dark world to make a difference.

Others will see those good works and the difference that is being made.

Here, however, is the heart of the matter.


The good works are to be done not for ourselves, not for our glory, not for us to get the praise of men, but for the glory of God.

Others, seeing our good deeds, will realize from our humility and words that we will NOT take credit for anything we do. Credit for all good should go to our Father God as is right.

All good comes from God. By declining to take credit for ourselves, the praise and glory of all the good go to God as it should.


When others PRAISE GOD for the good we do, we have the assurance that we are doing good deeds for exactly the purpose they are to be done.

The good deeds then truly honor God.

Perhaps, the person on earth to whom we are doing good deeds will seek to become a Christian as well.

He will then also follow the leading of Christ.

He will soon be doing his good deeds for the honor of God and they will also glorify our Father in heaven.

What a miraculous cycle of love!!


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