God's Hand

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2b The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.  2 Chronicles 15:2b NKJV

We all want a life that is a journey of joy and having God’s Hand upon us is the answer.

Our passage here in 2 Chronicles tells us that while we are with God He is with us. In other words, if we seek Him, we will find Him. When we have Him in our hearts we must obey, trust and follow His commands.

If we neglect to do those things we will be forsaking Him, and likewise, He will then forsake us.

None who are in good mental health seek harm for themselves and hope for sorrow.

We all hope for happiness, meaning, purpose, and joy.

Many spend their entire lives seeking pleasures, however fleeting, to discover that life still feels empty and unfulfilled.

God must be in the center of our hearts and lives.

He must be the most important Person in our lives.

Full devotion to God and His Will brings the only true and lasting joy.

Scripture goes on further with this idea of joy only being in God and obedience to Him.

11 You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  Psalms 16:11 NKJV

How do we turn from seeking earthly acceptance and the desire to cling to that which is socially acceptable, entertaining, and brings us popularity?

We must realize God is infinitely more important and seek Him closer and dearer than ever before.

We must put Him first and stay in constant communication with Him.

Ask Him what it is that He wants you to do with your life and follow His direction.

It is there in His Word, the Bible.

There is peace and comfort in knowing that we are pleasing God with our lives.

This thought once came to me:

“When you know

God’s Hand

is on your shoulder,

you don’t need

the world

to pat you

on the back.”

Perhaps, you will identify with the thought too.

The applause of the world doesn’t last. The crowd turns to the next thing before their eyes and you are forgotten.

Pleasing man and living with the meaninglessness, or often the guilt, of your actions is nothing like the joy of pleasing God and feeling His closeness.

When we come right down to what is really of true and eternal value,

we know that

all that really matters

in the world…is God’s great Love.

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