God's enduring kindness

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Nothing is so strong as God’s enduring kindness. Nothing has the strength and power of our God. Mountains are pathetically weak by comparison.

For the mountains shall depart And the hills be removed, But My kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” Says the Lord, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:10 NKJV


Nothing is so lasting as God’s enduring kindness.

Mountains and hills are able to be moved by earthquakes, but God’s kindness is immovable.


Likewise, the pacts of nations are nothing. Promises of peace often dissolve in violation hours after being signed.

God’s covenant of peace, however, cannot be removed. Throughout the Bible, we see the reliability and steadfastness of God’s promises with man. Mankind breaks pledges to God over and over, but God’s Word is unbreakable.

This is what God, Who has mercy on YOU is saying.  He tells you, as He told those of years ago, that His covenant will not be removed.


There are often conditions to be met, however. As we read further through God’s Word we see, over and over, that as we follow Him, we will be rewarded. Likewise, as we turn to sin and selfishness and break our promises of obedience to God, we will be punished.

Ancient Israelites found this to be true in their own lives of turning from God to worship other things.

America with the rest of the world has turned to her own pleasures and away from God’s commands.

What will our future be without Him?

When the straying return to God in repentance, His kindness is still there. He alone is enduring.