God of Hope

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Have you met the God of Hope?

13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

God is a God of Hope. He alone is the Source of all true hope. In God, we find meaning and purpose in living. In Him, we are given salvation and an eternity of life with Him. Without God, there is no Hope.


When we repent and seek God’s forgiveness for our sins through Christ His Son, we meet the God of Hope. As forgiveness is granted, joy abounds. There is peace given when we believe. We also read in the gospel that Jesus Himself says he wants us to have His joy.

We are then abounding in hope from God. In other words, we are overwhelmed and overflowing with the hope that is infilled by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Joy unlike any other is ours.


Overflowing water in a cup will soon get on the table, on the hands of the one holding the cup, on his paper napkin, on the tablecloth, and drip on the floor. Keep pouring that water, and there will be a steady stream of water before us. When we have the hope and joy and peace of God given us through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can happily expect there to be an overflowing abundance in our lives.

Hope and joy and peace without measure will spill over to touch those about us. They will see our inexhaustible joy and want it too.


What an opportunity to witness to others about this blessing from God in our lives !! How wrong it would be to keep such life-altering joy to ourselves!!

Let the peace and joy and overflowing hope within you be shared as you tell them of Jesus and His Father, the God of Hope.


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