God and arroganceGod and Arrogance

God hates our arrogance. To say that God and arrogance do not go together is an understatement.

It is He who created the world. He is the one who established us upon the earth.

The term “fear of the Lord” means to show our greatest respect and honor for Who He is. When we fear the Lord there is no place for pride or arrogance. We have done nothing of importance in this world. There is nothing we have done for which to be prideful.

It is total arrogance to believe that we have the power or authority to do anything. It is only God that can make things happen.

The fear of the Lord

13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way
And the perverse mouth I hate. Proverbs 8:13 NKJV

It is clear that if we respect God we will hate evil for God is good. Satan was cast from heaven because he allowed his pride to make him think that he could be as high and glorious as God.

You don’t want Satan to be the one who establishes what is right or wrong.

Yet that is what we do when we make up our minds that a worldly view is better or more righteous than what God’s Law says. It is so easy for us to get the idea that we know what is best.

Society is usually wrong.

When men and women get together to make rules for society we are always in danger. Our leaders are always conscious that they must get reelected. They are pressured by groups promoting evil and disobedience to God’s Word.

I am not excusing them for making laws that go against God’s Law. Many of them claim to be Christians and yet yield to those who are promoting the rejection of God’s Law. This is why we see a growing trend toward evil in our nation and in the world.

The most arrogant thing we can do is believe that our thoughts about right and wrong somehow define truth. God did not only create the world and all that is in it but He defined what is wrong and called it SIN.

What we think defines nothing

It does not matter what we think when God gave us the rules to live by.

God asks Job,

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements?
Surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it? Job 38:4-5 NKJV

It is God who has the authority to tell us what is right and wrong. He has done so!

He gave us the Holy Scriptures to guide us and help us to function in a society that is easily led astray.

Remember God and arrogance do not go together.

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