the gift of GodFor by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, Ephesians 2:8-10a NKJV

We Have Nothing to Boast About

Basic to our Christian faith is the understanding that we have no reason whatsoever to boast that we have earned our salvation. There was absolutely nothing that we individually did in the way of good living and good deeds that earned us a place in Heaven when we die. It is a pure and total gift of God, and God alone, that gives us salvation.

Purely A Gift From God

We simply have to believe that Jesus is the risen Son of God and confess that we want Him in our lives as our Savior.

When we do this and confess our sins, God forgives us and we have a place in God’s Presence when we leave this life.

A Change for the Better

In fact, immediately, our lives change for the better, long before we breathe our last on this earth. You have the joy of the fellowship of Jesus and the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit when you ask Him.

Clearly, there is nothing for you to brag about.

All these blessings of salvation and a Spirit-filled life are gifts from God.

Good Deeds Don’t Earn Us A Pass

How often though, do you hear someone say that Bill or Sue is sure to go to Heaven when they die because they did this or that when on earth?

Let’s be clear that no good deed earns us salvation.

Out of Our Great Love for God

However, out of your great love and gratitude for God and His mercy, you deeply want to obey, follow, serve, and bring Him joy. So in your love of God and Christ, and the Holy Spirit, you live as you know is pleasing to Him.

You obey His commands, and do good deeds.

Telling others of the way of salvation and spreading the gospel of Christ should become as natural as breathing.

Sharing Jesus

“Sharing Jesus” should be our lifestyle moment by moment.

We are, in fact, his workmanship.

God made us and created us to live in Christ and to do good works.

Can Others Tell That You Are A Christian?

If we are continuing to live on this planet and no one knows that we are a Christian, something is desperately wrong.

No one should doubt your faith.

You should live your beliefs.

Every Decision Should be Governed by Your Faith

Every decision and every thought should be governed by your being a follower of Christ.

Each Conversation

Your faith in Christ should be a filter through which all of your conversations flow.

Before you arise each day, you should ask God to help you in all of your encounters and conversations. All of your decisions and your daily work are to reflect the love and holiness of your Creator.

Ask God

Decisions should be brought before God.

Tell others that you need to pray about a decision before you jump into a situation.

Ask yourself how you think Jesus would handle a situation based on His love and justice, truth, and holiness.

We Are Made In His Image

Remember that you are made in the image of God, saved by His grace, and should be living as a true follower of His Son Jesus Christ.

Holding that thought and living it will be pleasing to the God Who saved you.

Truly, your salvation is a gift of God.

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