the fruit of the wombLo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them Psalms 127:3-5a KJV

Children are Blessings from God

Our Scripture passage today reminds us that children are a blessing from the Lord. They are the true heritage. Our children, not the things we collect through our lives, are the ultimate blessings. They are given to us by the Lord. The fruit of the womb is, in fact, His reward to us.

The devil’s False Message

This is far different from the sinful message that the world so often throws at us. That worldview is really the view of satan.

The devil tries to distort the blessings by telling us that we need time for personal endeavors and that we need worldly accomplishments and material gain to fill our lives.

These are bold lies from satan.

The Truth from God

Nothing fills our hearts and spirits like God and the children with which He blesses us.

Children are indeed the reward from the Lord.

No human effort could fashion every cell and organ of another living human being.

No one but God could create billions and billions of unique human beings. Each creation from His Hand is different in some way from every other person.

Scientists Discover Spark of Life

Only our Great Father God could place that spark of life into the womb of a woman.

I read recently,(article of April 27, 2016, by Bec Crew,) that the moment the human sperm enters the egg there is a tiny spark of “light.” Scientists at Northwestern University, have been able to capture this image. “Sparks literally fly at the moment of conception….Using a new fluorescent sensor that’s able to track the movement of zinc,” they were able to film the event. They were able to watch as billions of zinc atoms were released at the exact moment that the egg was pierced by a sperm cell. These tiny “fireworks” continued for about 2 hours after fertilization.


Miracles of life, indeed.

We stand with new technology in hand and realize all over again, that our Powerful, Loving, Creator Who once said, “Let there be Light.”(Gen. 1:3 KJV) brings light every time a new creation comes into being!

What a God is our Father!


Children are not only blessings.

They are like arrows that go out from a mighty man.

Our children most often outlive us, and like arrows that fly from the archer, our children fly into all the world from the parent.

Lives of Service and Love

We want them to love the Lord and serve Him with their lives as we did.

As such, we teach and raise them in the Lord, and watch them get sent out to serve Him for another generation.

Over time, through them, countless generations to come will be raised to love the Lord and serve Him.

The Good Earthly Father

Lastly, the man who is a true father to his children Will be happy. In fact, he will want to have as many children as God gives him.

He knows that to be a true father he must teach his children about the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

A good earthly father must raise his children to obey the commandments and law of love that God gives us.

The world tells us to seek happiness through materialism and by putting ourselves first.

God’s Word tells us to have children and raise them for Him. He tells us that the fruit of the womb is His reward and that children are a heritage of the Lord.

Bruce and Carol

I, Carol, prayed for each of my six children before they were conceived. They grew and I was widowed.

In 2021, I met and married a widowed pastor that you might know on this site as Pastor Bruce.

He had four grown children of his own.

Together, we now have 10 children, 25 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren.

We have the privilege of praying for them every day and seeing them as often as possible.

We are blessed indeed.

I am now 73 and Bruce is 79, yet we would joyfully welcome more children if God worked such a miracle.

We say this in all sincerity because we know that children truly are the heritage of the Lord.


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