Free Christian Downloads
We offer Free Christian Downloads so that you can study or listen to them at your convenience.
And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:15 NJKV
I have included MP3s of several articles and testimonies in Free Christian Downloads. Please feel free to download them and share them with anyone you feel that they may encourage.
Usila The Church That Faith Built by Walter Fleming
1DownLoad the book free to read and share: “Usila The Church Faith built” pdf
2DownLoad an audio file to listen to: “Usila The Church Faith built” mp3
My wife, Carol, recorded many of the stories written by my Brother Walter. He has compiled them for distribution on the mission field and to his many supporters. Walter turned 94 in May of 2022. He is always an inspiration to me and many others as he teaches about missions and how we can help. One way you can help is to share these pdfs and mp3s.
May God Bless You!
Burning Daylight by Walter Fleming
3Download and share “Burning_Daylight”
4DownLoad an mp3 audio file to listen to: MP3 of “Burning Daylight”
5Download an mp3 audio file to listen to: MP3 of “God Provides”
6Download an mp3 audio file to listen to: MP3 of “Adventures with God & God Answers Wishes”
7Download an mp3 audio file to listen to: MP3 of “Deer in the Headlights”
8Download an mp3 audio file to listen to: MP3 of “The Power of His Word”
9Download PDF. file to study: “BIBLE READING CALANDER”
Coming Soon!
We will continue to expand our Free Christian Download area. Please check back often.