united by Christ

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Dwell In Unity

My prayer is for my brethren to dwell in unity. Division and fighting are of the devil.

133 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is

For brethren to dwell together in unity!

It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments. Ps 133:1-2 NKJV


The world has seen over and over through the millennia of history that living in unity is fleetingly elusive.

We see it among very young children early on in their development. They grasp at the toy and holler, “Mine!” They think only of themselves never of the other child.


Adults in power are not much different. They look at land and people and resources to conquer and do much the same as those grasping toddlers.

Getting along seems pretty low on the list of goals we make for ourselves. We climb that corporate ladder and push the one below us off as we head up the rungs to topple the one above us.

We have lost sight of the true values that God gave us.


In this Psalm, we see that indeed it is good and pleasant, peaceful and joyful to dwell together on this planet in unity.

The verse goes on to say it is like healing oil, warm and fully spreading over the one anointed.

Should our living on this earth not be much the same? Should we not pour healing salve into the hearts of those around us as we share life with them?


If we could only live in peace and selfless giving, we would know full joy.

Living as Jesus did is the answer.

Putting others before ourselves and loving God and others is the example Jesus gave us.

May we follow it fully and dwell in unity.

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