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14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?  Hebrews 9:14 KJV

Ever wonder why there is so much in life that clouds the beauty of our day? Sometimes, the sameness of menial tasks gets us down. It might be time to look at it from a different perspective.


From across the room,

I see that there is a fine covering of dust on the dresser again.

I briefly ponder how much dust I have moved about in my lifetime.

Such a mindless thing,

this act of dusting.

It seems not of much importance,

in the scheme of things.

It doesn’t take a degree,

much instruction,

or require much thought,

to dust.

I ponder why God gives us dust at all.

So thinking, I whisk away at that dresser

and notice the removal

brings the wood’s brightness

back in view.

Sad, I think,

in a day or so,

it will need dusting all over again.

Then it occurs, that we accumulate a lot

of life’s petty crumbs of annoyance,

and microscopic bits of life’s sorrows,

that cloud our perspective,

and daily dull our joy.

I, too, must go to God,

the Source of forgiveness

and joy,


for those dulling bits to be washed away

with His Love.

The brightness that lies beneath

shines again

from His fellowship.

In my time with Him

over the years,

how much dust has God uncomplainingly brushed

from my soul

with His cleansing touch?


He gave us dressers to dust,

to daily remind us

of that very thing….



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