don't labor in vain

Unless the Lord builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain. Psalms 127:1 NKJV

Are You Working Hard?

Are you working hard today? Do you find yourself satisfied with the outcome of your endeavors or dissatisfied? Most of us have countless days in our lifetimes where we sat back and looked at the project that we struggled to perfect and felt frustration. Perhaps, those feelings of failure were in regard to something even more important. Perhaps, it is your family that you are trying so hard to hold together and strengthen, yet feel defeated. There might be a simple answer to the problem. Don’t labor in vain.

What? Say that again, you think.

Don’t Labor in Vain

Here it is again. Don’t labor in vain.

Our verse today tells us that building a house, no matter how strongly constructed, no matter how lavishly decorated, no matter the cost, or the prestige of the neighborhood around it, will all be in vain unless the Lord builds it.

Nothing in our lives that we do seemingly on our own, and with our own pride will be all it could be.

How different the situation would be if we allow the Lord to build.

God Alone Has the Wisdom

The Lord alone has the answers, the strength, the knowledge, and wisdom as well as the foreknowledge of all that lies ahead.

His Protection or Yours

Likewise, you might feel that no one could protect your family better than you do.

Yet, we are also told that unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

Only God has the total strength and ability to truly protect us and care for the things that concern us.

Our efforts are much like the four-year-old boy who brandishes his stick in the air and pretends to protect the world from imaginary dragons.

The child has the excuse of his young age and immaturity.

Are You Kidding Yourself?

We, however, who should know better, are instead, just kidding ourselves.

Our best efforts bring limited results.

It is only with the Lord building and guarding that we are able to see true, good, pure, and lasting results and true protection and care.

Are You Ignoring Him?

You might spend a lifetime ignoring the God of all Creation.

You might turn your back on the Heavenly Father and strike out on your own.

Too many of us do that very thing. We boast in our house of cards before we watch it crumble.

We weep in our failure to keep our family from divorce and sickness, war, and crime.

Laboring for Nothing

We labor in vain all our lives for nothing.

Pray that early on, in our youth, we turn to God and let Him do the building and guarding of our lives.

Pray that your labor and efforts be under His control and in His keeping and guiding.

Labor in the task that He has for you.

Let Him Be Your Father

Let Him be your Father.

Listen to Him.

Believe in God and then follow and obey Him.

Watch with thanksgiving as He builds your home,  and as He guards the hearts of His children.

Don’t labor in vain.

Let God Be God

Let God guide your work from His Wisdom and Love.

He knows what is best for you and how to do it.

Your house, your home, your life’s work, your safety, now and for eternity, depend upon Him.

Let Him be your God.

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