doers of the word

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In this lesson, Doers Of The Word – Not Hearers Only, in James 1:21-27 , James deals with how we respond to God because of what we learned in Lesson 1 and Lesson 2. Now James gets into the foundations of practical Christianity.

Last week’s lesson was about temptation and its source. James points out very clearly that it comes from our evil desires. Satan does not have to tempt us to do evil. We do a perfect job of doing what is wrong on our own.

He also points out in verse 18 that we are firstfruits in God’s creation. Then, after salvation, we become new creatures in God’s kingdom. Finally, he tells us in verse 20 that our wrath does not produce the righteousness of God.


One of my Bible professors was fond of saying that if there is a ‘therefore,’ you should find out why there is a “therefore.” It sounds a little corny, but it is a fundamental truth.

James had first to show us where temptation comes from before going on with his message. His focus throughout James is on works, while most of Paul’s focus is on grace. At first glance, this seems like they are teaching different doctrines.

Some say that Paul and James disagree. On the contrary, Paul preaches works just as powerfully in other scriptures. James does not discount grace in any way.

We have become new creatures because of God’s grace and should act accordingly. So James wrote to a different group and emphasized action responding to God’s grace.

First step

James tells us because of our adoption into the family of God, we should get rid of all the sin and wickedness in our lives. Instead, we should receive God’s implanted word in our lives.

21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which can save your souls.

When we receive this implanted Word, it will cause us to do what the Lord says. We have been bought with a price to do the good works God has created for us to do.

Doers Not Hearers Only

I once knew a man who always offered to help me do something I needed to do. He was very convincing, and the first few times he offered to help, I was thrilled. The problem was that he never showed up when it was time to work.

Have you ever known someone like that? But, unfortunately, it is a lot like the problem James is presenting.

We come to the Lord and claim we believe in Him and want to serve him, but we “fail to take up our cross and follow Him.” James says, “22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

Hearers only

You can not believe the Word of God and not respond to His commands! James uses an excellent example of someone who thinks he is saved and then continues unchanged.

 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.

Jesus died to change who we are and how we live. He was a revolutionary, bringing change to how man reacts to God. In the sermon on the mount, He explains how very different it is to follow  Him rather than just following the Law. (Read what He says in Mathew 5,6 and 7.)

When we do His will, we are entirely different. We don’t forget what we are supposed to do in God’s Kingdom. We do it. As a result, He blesses our lives, and God gives us more and more insight into how we can grow in joy and ministry.

 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

On the other hand

James speaks to another significant problem in the church today. We call it gossip or slander. Words that people could use to lift a brother or sister are used to break them down.

Perhaps we cannot keep our speech to yes, yes or no, no, but we can always be careful of what we say. You can not take words back. Once out of your mouth, they continue to do damage.

26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.

“Useless is a strong word. Don’t let it define you!

True Religion

James concludes this chapter with one of my favorite passages. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

As you do the work of the Lord, you will find many opportunities to serve. However, it is wise always to remember that God is concerned with defenseless people.

We are to show God’s love in all we do. He is concerned with the poor, sick, homeless, and out of work. It is up to us to use the talents that God gave us to help those in need.

You can join us anytime. Following are links to the Previous Lessons from James: Faith Grows Through Trials – Lesson 1, Tempted by God – Lesson 2, Doers of the Word – Lesson 3, Impartial – Lesson 4, Faith – Works What Saves – Lesson 5, The Untamable Tongue – Lesson 6, Fighting and Quarreling – Lesson 7, Friendship with the World – Lesson 8, What is submission to God? – James Lesson 9, Judging and Boasting – James Lesson 10, Rich in What? – James Lesson 11, Be Patient and Persevering – James Lesson 12 and the last Critical Points of James – James Lesson 13

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