do you know me, LordYou have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
Psalms 139:1-4 NIV


You Know Me !

Lord all things, YOU know ME !

What a comforting, amazing, and powerful thought is the fact that the Creator of the Universes is also our Loving Father Who knows all about us!!

Protection, Understanding, and Love

The Source of all Wisdom and Love cares about us and looks upon us in protection and understanding.

God knows all about us.

He discerns everything there is to know about us, yet still, He loves us.

Not A Good Sight

What He sees is not right or good or pure or worthy, yet His Love for us is still viable and strong.

The fact that God searches our hearts and minds as well as knows our motives is humbling, perhaps to some of us, a terrifying thought.

God knows when we sit down and rise up, perhaps even referring to our ups and downs emotionally as well as physically.

God Knows All

He realizes your every thought and all that you will ever think. God understands as you go about your daily work and He knows when you lie down at the end of your day. He is aware of all of your ways and doings. He is aware of mine.

Before you or I even speak a word, God knows about it.

No One Beside God

No one knows you as God does.

Your mothers might have known more about you than anyone else on earth, particularly when you were a newborn. She memorized every feature of your face, every wave of your arms, every gesture and grimace, every smile. She recognized the sound of your cry and later the sound of your laugh.

Yet for all the love and knowledge of us that our mothers had, it was nothing compared to the knowledge and love that God has of and for you and me.

Draw Comfort

You are acquainted with me, Lord!

You should draw comfort from this incredible truth.

It should wrap you in the assurance of God’s watchfulness and love over each of us.

Nothing Hidden

It will also make us deeply aware that we can hide nothing at all from our Father God.

Nothing we do or think, plan or carry out escapes His notice.

Despite the billions of lives that have lived and do live and all that might live in the future, God is intimately aware of each of us. He is abundantly knowledgable of every action and deed and word we utter.

What a humbling, loving, life-changing thought it is that You know me, Lord!

Live Pleasing To God

Live your life with these thoughts. It will perhaps make you want to live in ways that are more pleasing to God.

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