do not fear

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Do Not Worry

Jesus tells us “Do Not Worry” in one way or another throughout the gospels.

25 And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? Luke 12:25 NKJV

We are told not to worry about what we will eat or wear. Jesus assures us that our Father knows our needs and will provide. We learn from Jesus that God heals and cares and is with us.


Our Scripture verse today is one that almost makes us smile.

Can you picture Jesus standing among the people who flock to Him, asking them if they can add even a tiny bit to their height by worrying about it? Do you think He was trying to show us how silly our worry can sometimes be?

Yet, each day we come up with even more preposterous things to worry over.

It’s as though we didn’t remember all of the things God has already done for us throughout our lives. We are surrounded by His love and care and healing and blessing. His provisions for us overwhelm us.

We are fed and clothed and sheltered and healed. We have been saved through Christ’s death for us. Eternity in Heaven is ahead for believers who will then live with God and in eternal joy. He has been a faithful, powerful God indeed.


Facebook provides the chance to pray for friends in need.

Just yesterday, a friend posted a prayer request for a friend of hers who had been seriously injured.

In her upset, she asked all of her Prayer Worriers to unite and pray. We might smile over the one-word error if it weren’t so true and serious.

How often have we become prayer worriers instead of prayer warriors?


We play the worst-case scenario through our minds. Perhaps, we then hit replay and run it through our minds again.  Maybe we run it through one last time just for good measure.

Instead, we believers should know that God has proven Himself to be a powerful, loving Father.

He knows all of our needs.

Truly, He is our great Physician. He heals and helps and cares for us. He knows the end from the beginning and is in total and complete control.


Put your life in His Hands and live in faith.

Prayer Warriors are needed not Prayer Worriers.

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