depart from evilDepart from evil are the first words in this verse. The psalmist is giving us simple yet profound advice.

14 Depart from evil and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it. Psalms 34:14 NKJV


Leaving, staying away from, and not seeking anything that has to do with evil and sin is a basic command. It is a basic rule to follow if you want to stay out of trouble.

Most parents, teachers, and religious leaders likely would say something similar in giving advice to those they teach.


Our verse goes further.

Do good.

A long time back in my childhood I read something that has affected me all my years. I would happily give the author credit if I knew his name. Likewise, l hope that I recall this as close to his original thought as I can.

His statement was that in our daily living, we all “go about.”

Jesus “went about doing good.” What a difference!


Similarly, we do not merely want to avoid evil. We should want our lives to also count for something positive.

We should want to do something of value. In other words, we should go about doing good, not merely “go about.”

In those few words lie a great key.


The psalmist then tells us that in the living out of our lives, we should not just follow a lifestyle that keeps us from sinful behavior and evil.

We should seek peace.

Hunt out peace.

Look for it.

Don’t just stay away from stirring up trouble but be the peacemaker as we go through life.


Smooth the waters. Calm the upset co-worker who feels he was wronged or overlooked.  Find peace and make it a part of your life. Pursue it and find it after earnest seeking.


Now embrace the good and peace you have, with God’s help and direction, finally found.

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