cry out

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Do you ever feel that things have gotten out of hand,

that there is no answer among peers for the difficulties faced? You are not alone.

In Psalms, we read:

145 I cry out with my whole heart;
Hear me, O Lord!
I will keep Your statutes.
146 I cry out to You;
Save me, and I will keep Your testimonies.  Psalms 119:145-146 NKJV

Many believe it was David who wrote the 119th Psalm, as he wrote so many of the other psalms. He felt that things were going wrong and realized that it was only God Who could help him.

He also realized that we were to follow and obey the commandments, statutes, and testimonies of God because His Law was valid and life-saving.

God gave the Law to Moses and through him, to us all.

Our country was founded upon it.

To put God first, not to steal or lie, not to kill, and not to commit adultery were basic cornerstones of this country.

Read Exodus 20:2-17, and Deuteronomy 5:6-21.

What is happening in our country and world now?

Many of us complain about the direction our country is heading.

So much corruption and evil are out there.

We see so much crime on our streets.

While things are worse by far recently, it seems the problem began years back. Our schools no longer read the Bible at the start of each day.  That had often been the only time that a child heard the Word of God.

 Parents weren’t taking their children to church.

Are you reading the Bible in your home? Many aren’t. So the source of knowing right from wrong was also taken away. Without a guide to follow or rules to understand, was it any surprise that crime increased?

Were we surprised that our children turned to sex, drugs, or self-harm to fill the emptiness and sadness left by the absence of God?

Without the commandments that our Judeo-Christian value system was founded upon, our country no longer had its basic principles. Without rules and guidelines, recent generations were lost morally.

Schools were told to take away prayer as well.

Furthermore, workplaces were very careful not to mention the Lord except when swearing. Somehow, that was accepted still, to our further shame.

In two generations, the sin of living together without marriage has become an accepted way of life. Perhaps, you too know unmarried people who live together for a decade or more, with multiple children born into their union. Children are raised believing this is normal, acceptable, and something that they too can emulate.

What’s more, we are not committed to God, or each other.

We are in the midst of a culture where individuals feel entitled, and have no desire to work. Cheating has become a way of life.

Do you feel like just crying out for help?

God’s Word tells us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Lastly, it’s pretty simple.

However, you must be heartfelt, and sincere.

Humble ourselves.


Seek God.

Turn from (repent)of our wicked ways.

God will hear, forgive, and heal.

It is exactly what you and I need.

It is exactly what you and I should do.

Let’s do so right now.

Our country, our lives, and the lives of future generations are at stake.

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