come and rest

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31 And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. 32 So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves.  Mark 6:31-32 NKJV

As I write this, it is the first day of summer. It has been predicted that this will be a record-breaking week of high temperatures.

We have done our regular chores and ministry each day this week and plan for a time of fishing on Saturday with one of our sons and a grandson. Rest. Fun. We can’t wait.

A mix of work and rest was put in plan by God Himself.

We all know the 6 days of Creation were followed by a day of rest.

God didn’t need to rest, He was the untiring God.

He set the pattern for us.

After all, this plan was put in place right after He created the first people.

Similarly, why do you think Jesus told His Disciples to come apart and rest a while? He knew their limits. He was after all the Son of God come to earth and clad in the flesh of a man.

As a young man, He knew long hours working in a carpenter shop. Then the hours grew even longer when His years of ministry began.

His days were exhausting.

The disciples saw it all firsthand.

They too were a part of the work. Surely, they had much to do to help with the logistics during the three years of the Lord’s earthly ministry.

There was no time to waste at all. All around them were multitudes pressing in closely to get a view of Jesus and to hear His messages.

There was no limit to those needing healing.

A crowd was always at hand.

Furthermore, there was still so much for the disciples themselves to learn.

What’s more, they never quite understood all Jesus taught.

They were caught up in the world and slow to comprehend His life of love.

Now, perhaps on one of their busiest days, Jesus tells them to rest.


Not them!

Before their encounter with the Master, they were making a living in a hardscrabble world.

A good number of the disciples were fishermen. They were brawny, hard-working men of the sea. Now, leaving all to follow Jesus, they had much to learn. If there was a lull, they questioned Jesus.

Sometimes, they never understood fully that which He told them.

They argued amongst themselves.

They were so like us.

These disciples were flawed and got angry. They were impatient, and yes, they got tired.

They needed exactly what God..and then Jesus..said they did.

Like us, they needed Rest.

At the start of this piece, I said I was writing this at the beginning of summer.

But every season, every day, is filled with obligations and schedules.

You know it well.

If you have a job, there are always things to do.

If you have children, there are always things to do.

As a friend, as a human being, there are always more and more things to do.

Sometimes, even a break from the routine turns into another list of jobs to do on the time off.

Sometimes, we feel that without pushing ourselves and accomplishing more, we are missing something.

Friends tell us of vacations being another exhausting week of things to do, or places to go.

Our children were homeschooled and we set a slightly less hectic pace, but I know of many children in public school or homeschooled who are made to march to a truly strenuous schedule.

Where does it all go? What is the purpose of our unending chase to the end of each day?

Are we living for God?

Are we more like Jesus at the end of each day?

Do you believe that the world is a better place for you living in it this day?


Come apart and rest awhile said Jesus.

Sit down and listen to His words.

All of His words. They are written in red right there in your Bible.

Read them slowly and thoughtfully.

Read them prayerfully.

Ask God to change you into being more like Jesus.

Simply Relax.

Your kindness will always do more good than your fame.

At the end of your life, it will be the time you spent with Jesus, not the time you spent putting more in your bank account, that will make the difference.

Come apart from the crowd, from the madness, from the chase, and rest.

Simply rest.

Sit down on the log.

Put your feet in the water.


Let the sun warm your shoulders.

Thank God for giving you this moment.

Pray. Ask God to help you do next what He wants you to do. Simply that.

Let God guide you.

Thank Him for Jesus.

Ask Him to forgive you. Follow Him.

He will. He was waiting for you to trust Him, to ask.

Rest. Ask God’s Holy Spirit to come into you and to use you to make a difference.

There…Did you feel that?

It is God’s Love sweeping over you too.


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