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What are fishers of men?

Today’s society may find it hard to understand what Jesus is saying. However, there are some real fishermen along the coast and even some sports fishermen.

So how do we explain what fishers of men are? You probably realize what fishermen do and maybe even how they do it. It is even possible that you have done some fishing yourself. I did a little but never really was good at catching fish. Fish seemed to know I was there and did not want me to catch them.

Jesus set the stage for us to learn what fishing is all about. Fishing was indeed life-changing. We can see how He started with men who made their living catching and selling fish. Their families had fished the same waters for generations.

Then came Jesus! Life was about to change for them.

18 And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 19 Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matt. 4:18-19

They could define fishing!

These young men had grown up working with their fathers. They probably started fishing about the time they learned to walk, and by this time, they knew fishing well. It was hard work, but they probably loved the excitement of bringing in a good catch.

Jesus was about to teach them a new way to fish. It would change not only their lives forever but also the lives of thousands upon thousands of others.

Now they were to be fishers of men.

It was a slow start when they changed from fish to men. They made a lot of mistakes and had to overcome a lot of obstacles. Jesus was a good teacher, but He had a lot to teach them in the short time He had.

They were not always easy to teach. A lot like us, weren’t they?

Centuries have now past

The concept of fishers of men has changed. People now define fishers of men differently.

Some have forgotten what it means to fish. Others have decided that they are the only ones who understand the art of fishing for men. So they decide they must build great learning schools to teach others how to fish for men.

But they don’t fish!

Different leaders point out that there are many fish everywhere, and all we need is to learn how to catch them. They are all around us, but you must have the proper training to catch them. Maybe you even need a license to do the job correctly.

We don’t want to let people catch fish in the wrong way. They might hurt them or run them away. But, even worse, they might catch the bad or ugly fish that would not fit in with the fish caught earlier.

So we hire others to catch the fish

We pay them to teach us how to catch fish, and they are so busy that they have no time to catch fish. They teach everything a person would ever need to know about how to catch fish and how to raise fish in a pond.

Fish seem to be everywhere, but there is always a little more training needed to catch them. We bump into them in the stores, see them at work, and even find them in the fish-catching classes.

Since some think we cannot fish wisely, we bring names to our Pastor so he can contact the fish we see. Since we don’t fish, we have no other choice.

But what does Jesus want? Has Jesus’s message changed?

Yes, we can be sure that the message of Jesus will never change! Remember what scripture says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 NKJV That scripture tells us that He still wants us to be a fisherman of men.

Recognizing His call on your life is the first step in doing all He asks. Jesus’ message to us is still the same, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

It is impossible to follow Jesus without concern for the lost. He loved the lost enough to come to this earth and die one of the cruelest deaths known to save the lost. Fortunately, you were one of those lost souls He came to save.

It does not take great learning or great skill to do what Jesus asks. You do not need a degree are any special training. Look at the incredible growth of the early church.

Why were they able to catch fish?

The early disciples were so excited about being saved that they could not shut up. They shared what Jesus did for them and the other fish. Likewise, early Christians were excited that God loved them and came to save them. You could not hold them back.

Rulers tried to shut them up by killing them or jailing them. Nothing worked. They had to tell others about Jesus.

No special skills needed

The big difference in the first-century disciples was that they realized they were lost and needed a Savior.

Today we don’t realize how totally lost we are without Jesus!  We are “good people,” and “good people” go to heaven. That is what the world says, but is it true?

God sees us a little differently. So different that He sent His Son to pay the price for our sin.

Romans 3:23 says, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Jesus says that God is the only one who is “good.”  So we are lost and damned without Jesus.

What does this all mean?

It means that we should be so thankful to God that we become fishers of men. We share what Jesus did for us. Our testimony is the best tool we can have to reach others for Jesus.

The problem is that if you do not realize that you are eternally lost you will not understand what He did for you.

You can not tell another about your salvation if you feel you were good enough for heaven without Jesus.

Think for a moment

Would you tell anyone if you were not paying attention and stepped out in front of a truck and someone pushed you out of the way at the loss of their life?

You bet you would! Who he was and what he did would be the first thing you shared with someone.

Jesus has stepped out in front of the truck for you!

He has saved you from a much worse death. If you believe that, you have a story to tell everyone you meet. You will not be able to stop telling people.

Jesus is what happened to me. He saved me and changed me, and I have to tell others.


You can define fishers of men! Every saved person is one because they will want to tell everyone about Jesus. They will catch fish.


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