Caleb's Rainbows

Dear Readers:  Some years ago, I happened upon three little children praying together, unaware that they were being observed. They ranged in age from three to seven. They prayed, one by one, asking for rain to come upon their dad’s dry garden.  Fifteen minutes later, the heavens unexpectedly grew dark and I heard thunder rumble.  Within moments, the rain was pouring down upon us.  The faith of children, the power of prayer ..the goodness of God, we think…

and then, sadly, we leave it at that.

The true stories that I share with you are each very special to me. They all show the miracles from God given in so many ways. Sometimes, they come as a gentle nudge that touches our hearts with awareness.

I will always remember the day of Caleb’s Rainbows. I hope you enjoy it.  Carol.

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28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking. Ezekiel 1:28 NKJV

Caleb’s Rainbows

My grandson, six-year-old Caleb, came unexpectedly into the adult Bible study group that I hold and confidently sat down among us.

At the end of our meeting, we close with prayer and testimonies, and sharing.

The final prayer was left for Caleb.

Around his wiggly front tooth, he prayed for the various things a six-year-old prays for, with little boy sweetness.

Thank You

He closed by quietly whispering, “And thank You for letting me see the rainbows, God. Amen.”

There was a collective gasp, then silence.

Tears stung the back of my eyes and my breath was hard coming.

There have been countless rainbows in my life, that God has used to bless me.

..and for which He has not been thanked.

Awash in Rainbows

I am awash in rainbows of family, friends, joy, good health, and a beautiful world filled with His Presence.

How seldom have I thanked God for all the daily joys and the blessings of His love. His gift of Jesus, salvation, and the Presence of God in our lives leaves me breathless with gratitude. Truly my life is filled with rainbows of His joy and protection.

Smiling through Tears

Then, I smiled through my tears, over Caleb’s blonde head.

Truly, indeed, a little child shall lead them.

Likewise, may you thank Him, sincerely and joyfully,

for all of your rainbows.

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