Train up a child in the way he should go

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You are blessed in the Word whenever you study it. The greater blessing comes from teaching His commands starting with your children.

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NKJV

Often we miss a chance.

God has shown me over the years that our first ministry is to our children. My children were all active in church and have grown into fine adults but I look back and see that I should have done more.

I regret not spending more time talking to them about applying the Word in their daily lives. They are all blessed in the Word and yet I see areas where they could have avoided mistakes if I had done better. Use those moments God gives you with your children to diligently teach them God’s commands.

Way of life

If we diligently teach our children they will do the same for their children. Teaching by word and example should be a lifelong process. It is our responsibility to the generations to come.

I now have grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Your children will have a hard time teaching their children unless you have taught them. Passing your faith on from one generation to the next is a special blessing.

Our Outreach and The Future

God blesses us with this mission. To go and tell the world about Christ. Our children seated beside us are perhaps some of the first we reach, but when they too love the Lord, the ripple effect reaches not only their children and future generations but also those around them.

We are all to tell those in our lives about salvation through Christ and God’s Word. We have all seen mathematical problems where small beginnings multiply to astronomical numbers over time. May it be so with our witnessing for Christ and our sharing our faith in God. Our children could also reach out to countless others and those they reach continue to touch still other lives.

Begin now!

The child beside You is waiting.

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