bless our work

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Bless Our Work

17 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Psalm 90:17 KJV

As a believer in Christ, have you ever asked God to bless the work that you do for Him?

Likely, you would answer yes to that question, as would I. However, when we ask God to bless our work, we must examine first if our work is in accord with God’s Will.

Are we following and obeying fully all of God’s Holy commands for us?

Are our hearts pure as we undertake the work we do for Him?

Is there any remaining unconfessed sin in our lives?

Have we only righteous motives and desires to please our Holy God?

Will we turn from all that displeases God? Read that one again. Will we turn away and cast away ALL that displeases God? Is every relationship pure in the eyes of God? Is every friendship and every action that we do pleasing to God and in keeping His commandments and ordinances?

Perhaps, you have made excuses for the choices that you made or continue to make.

Often our will gets in the way of God’s Will.

We ask for His blessing on that which is unholy and never was nor could be His Will.

Our hearts must be open to His Will alone. His choices are always perfect and ours so often reflect our desires only instead of His.

In the scheme of eternity, our paltry wishes are childish and selfish more often than not. If our desires are not His Will, they will keep us happy for a mere moment in time and then bring heartache for the ages.

Therefore, our next question to ourselves should be whether we are actively and fully seeking His Will only?

Is He pleased with us?

If so, His Beauty is seen flowing through us. In everything we do and say, of utmost import is having His Love channeled through our actions and words.

We should care only for His Love to be treasured in our hearts and viable in our lives.

Nothing is more vital to the work of our hands than the utter Perfection of His Love living and working within and through us.

Then we can ask Him to bless our work…and He will.

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