believing man in churchClick For Audio Version

We stand at the starting point with this life-changing verse. It is the beginning of the beginning of faith.

31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.Acts 16:31 NKJV


Has there been a verse that says anything so simply? Yet it has the power to rock universes and the strength to change individuals from sinners with a destination of hell into completely joy-filled, forgiven, Heaven destined saints. Only our God can do this through Christ Jesus.


God has laid out the plan of salvation through Christ dying in our place for our sins.  His gift, that you cannot deserve and are unable to earn, is, therefore, a gift of mercy and grace that is given freely. 

Because God has given us free will, we also have an active part. We must believe.


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. The evidence is overwhelmingly strong that He can be no one else. Prophesies are fulfilled only in One individual and that is Jesus Christ. 

Next, we must believe that we are sinners and unable to attain forgiveness and eternal life in Heaven on our own.

We must ask Christ to come into our lives as our Savior and ask God to forgive us through Christ for our sins. When you confess and sincerely repent of your sins, you are a part of the family of God.


Obeying God is now our goal. We begin to abhor the idea of doing things other than things that bring joy to God.


If you ask God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, His Power and indwelling Love will guide you. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us obey.


Our faith will make all things new for us, and our joy in Him will cause us to share our faith with all those around us. Your household will see your faith and will want it for themselves.


We live in a world of sin and trouble.

In Christ, we have forgiveness, eternal life with God, the Holy Spirit, peace, and joy, despite our circumstances.

Believe…and make way for the Miracles.

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