be ready to give an answer

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15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: 1 Peter 3:15 KJV


This passage gives us a clear understanding that God wants us to be ready to give an answer to the questions that come to us as believers. Someone, somewhere, someday will ask us why we believe as we do.

Why do we believe that Jesus is the Son of God?

What evidence do we have?


Frankly, the Bible is loaded with tons of evidence that convinced me beyond doubt that Christ came to save us from our sins and died for us.

It takes more faith to believe that He is Not the Son of God than to believe that He is.

Miracle after miracle and prophecies being fulfilled hundreds and hundreds of times prove this.


We are to be ready to give an answer to probing questions with a strong but loving attitude.

We know all that God has already done for us.

Simply and lovingly we are to relay our belief in Christ to the seekers and non-believers alike.

Gently, meekly, and sincerely speak to them while realizing the seriousness of the moment.

Eternity for the one asking hangs in the balance.


The Holy Spirit might well use your words to touch someone and help them take the life-changing step to Christ.

God might use you to help the seeker make his decision. What a blessing!

Nothing is more important than to speak out for Christ and see someone commit their lives to Him.


Make sure that all that you say and do is done AFTER PRAYER to God to help you do and say your best.

Tell of the hope that is in your heart and watch the miracles happen.

God uses our faithful witness. Your testimony, and your answer make a difference.

When you have love for God in your heart and life, it will be seen.

The world is watching.

YOU should be ready to give an answer.

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