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…”I know thee by name.” Exodus 33:17b KJV

Sometimes we simply need assurance. We need to remember God is there with us. Perhaps, we need to be reminded to cherish every moment God gives us.

Quickly, another year will pass. When we are young it seems a long time between days but as we grow elderly the years pass ever more swiftly.
Likewise, we need to seek the meaning of each day we are given.
God alone is our Hope in the bleakest of days.
He gives us reason to believe and hold to Him in the darkest of times.
He knows us from the foundations of the earth and planned for us since Creation.
Furthermore, He knows the number of hairs on our heads and the thoughts we think.
He knows the plans He has for us.
This great God of the Universes knows us each by name.
There is huge assurance in the fact that He knows and cares and is in control.
Open your heart to His Son Jesus and ask God to forgive you through His Sacrifice for you.
He will forgive your sins and will open salvation and eternal life with Him to you.
There is so much to rejoice over.
These few lines are a reminder of that very thought:
Cherishing time given.
Seeking moment’s meaning.
Grasping hope while in bleak land.
Believing through the darkness.
Knowing Light by Name.
Resting in the knowledge, He knows mine.

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