strong tower

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Where do you go when trouble strikes?

10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10 NKJV


There is a great deal of worry in our world recently. We deal with politics, world affairs, and a raging pandemic that threatens lives across the world and brings grave illness and death to so many.


The governments and health professionals give much advice, restrictions, suggestions, mandates, and differing opinions.

No one seems to agree.


The writer of Proverbs strips away all of the world’s suggestions and says simply that the name of the Lord is the answer. He tells us that God is a tower of strength for His children to run to for safety.

We are reminded that our God alone is our Powerful Help and Refuge.

Finally, those who are righteous, those who know and love the Lord, have salvation in Him despite the state of the world and its trouble. The Bible reminds us that resting in the arms of God, praying to Him, and listening to Him in the quiet of our hearts brings peace unlike anything in the world.


Scripture and the living out of our lives as followers of Christ, reinforce this truth. God is the only sure Protection.

Thanks be to You, Lord !! You truly are our refuge and strong tower in the days of trouble and always!

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