a steadfast mind

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A Steadfast Mind

Let us all work toward a steadfast mind.

You will keep in perfect peace
    those whose minds are steadfast,
    because they trust in you. Isa 26:3 NIV


God is telling us through this passage that we will have the gift of peace when our minds are fixed upon God Himself in trust. That kind of steadfast mind gravitates back to God at all times, good and bad.

Our mind doesn’t run with the morals and ideas of the day, but stays itself upon the righteous commands and values of God.

We trust in Him and think of Him when days are filled with joy and good health, and peace. Likewise, we trust and think of Him on the days when we are pain-wracked and trouble-laden.


King James Version says it this way, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isa.26:3 KJV

A mind that stays in one place is a mind that has a true North compass point set on God.

No matter what comes we know that we have an unchanging God to rely upon.

In a changing world, we have an unchanging God Who is always true, always trustworthy, always loving, always fair, and always good. There is comfort knowing that the all-present, all-knowing, all-loving Father cares for us.


We are His beloved children when we have received Jesus as our Savior and asked God for the forgiveness of our sins through His Son.

What a gift of peace there is in such forgiveness.


This world is not a place of peace.

God gives peace, however, despite the circumstances of our existence here on this planet.

We might live in a war-torn land, struggling to even live another day. Yet, there is a heart-rest peace given that only comes from God.

This is peace that passes human understanding.

This peace is a gift known only to those who put their trust in God and whose minds are staying on Him.



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