Love unseen

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  • God impressed the following words into my mind and heart shortly after the birth of the first of my 6 biological children.
  • Roe vs. Wade was newly all over the networks breaking my heart and, unquestionably, breaking God’s Heart as well. The incredibly powerful love for a child comes from God Himself– as I believe the words He gave me that day do.



I love this baby of mine–

this our unborn,

more strongly and more dearly

than I have ever loved.

It is, perhaps,

of all loves,

the most like loving God Himself,

Who, like my child,

I love without seeing,

yet knowing in my soul’s soul

that He exists,

as does our unborn child,

just beyond

our sight.

A Love Unseen was published by Guideposts in June 1974 by Carol Clark Heller.  Guidepost has many short inspirational pieces like this one. We would encourage you to read them


You might also enjoy, “A Baby Conceived – life vs. death.” It tells about the decision to keep a child that they knew would be born with a defect.

God has so blessed us with the ability to love what we do not see.  It is a special gift given to mankind so they can love and protest the one that is to come.

Life is so precious to those who love the Lord and most of those who do not. Yet so many, almost a million, babies are murdered each year. Some of them are killed in the first month or two, others mid-term, and some while in the birth canal. It breaks my heart for both the child and the mother who will never know the joy of their child.

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