jesus the best friendClick For Audio Version

A friend is a blessing from God who stands with us on our good days and still stands beside us on the days that aren’t so good. Likewise, a sibling is there with us, and we for them, through the rough times of our lives. Despite our differences, they can be relied upon and they feel the same about us.

17 A friend loves at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17 NKJV


This golden gem of a verse hidden in the midst of Proverbs tells us that a true friend loves at all times and that a good sibling is there for us in adversity. Likewise, if we are good friends and siblings to others, we are there for them in their joys and sorrows.


Unfortunately, before too long we begin to realize that despite wonderful people in our lives, they are flawed and as limited as we are.

They might only have similar limited abilities and knowledge.

Perhaps they possess less than stellar advice and opinions.

They care, but are only human.


Fortunately for us, there is a Perfect Friend.

Unlike human help, He alone is unflawed and stands with us unfailingly.

Christ is never too busy, never beyond reach, and always, always cares and loves.

He alone always wants what is best for us. The realization that true joy is only found when we are working in God’s service is something that we learn from this True Friend. He teaches us these life lessons with love and gentleness, firmness and sometimes by telling us the hard truth.


Friends and family can be huge blessings in our lives. They are truly gifts from God.

Yet, by far, is the gift and miracle of a relationship with the Perfect Friend and Unfailing Brother that we have with Christ when we take Him as our Savior.

He alone is the Friend Who loves us at all times and Who is the Brother Who is there for us in trouble or joy.

Thanks be to God!

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