a constant perfect joy

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“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 KVJ

“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” John 15:11KJV

The fan blew a cool breeze over the hot kitchen.

“Are you hot or cold, Grandma?”, asked my 8-year-old granddaughter.

“I’m right in the middle — of perfect,” I answered without giving much thought to my words, or their phrasing.

My granddaughter was quiet for a few moments, then mused,

“I’m in the middle of perfect sometimes too, — but I don’t stay there long.”

I had to smile.

Truly, it seems that in this life we stumble into the state of “perfect” at rare times indeed, and aren’t able to stay there for very long a time. Before much time has passed, life’s circumstances push us right back out of “perfect” again.

There is only One Who remains the same and is forever unchanging.

His Joy is with us always despite what life’s challenges bring our way.

In good times and in the saddest of times, we can rely upon His grace and the peace that only He brings.

Trouble or great happiness comes to us all, day in and day out. Despite the good or the bad that we deal with, we can rely upon the Savior in Whom is no change, only Help and Love.

Truly, only Christ is constant—

—and our constant joy.


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