choiceThere is a choice to make here. It is up to you.

22 “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?
For scorners delight in their scorning,
And fools hate knowledge.
23 Turn at my rebuke;
Surely I will pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you. Proverbs 1:22-23 NKJV


We are given a choice in this passage that is life-changing. In fact, there is so much at stake here that no one can read these words lightly.


The world has long had those who this verse calls simple.

You know the folks as I do. They want life to be without many challenges. If food and wants are somehow provided by a family member or friend or the government that suits them well. Life to them is a constant seeking of the easy path and a quick gratification with little to no effort.


The Scripture goes on to look at the next group considered, the scorners.

Likely, you are also familiar with these folks. They make a joke of everything, the serious as well as the light. Nothing is taken to heart. Life is a game. Much that is worthy of thought, requiring study, needing an opinion of value, is brushed aside with a careless hand. Making fun of ideas and people is the way to make themselves feel less inadequate. It becomes a way of life for them to ridicule and scorn. Serious matters and those who present such matters alike are held up for mocking.


We come now to the final group called, without a blunting of the name, fools. No knowledge is sought nor gleaned by these folks. Everything that happens is taken as it is. No thought, no seeking counsel, and certainly no listening to godly advice is taken. Life comes as it comes. They plod along hour by hour, not really ever considering the consequences of their actions and choices. The path ahead to anyone heeding the signs looks ominous, but the fools rush on into whatever is out there. The plan is to have “fun” and to seek their own.


Let’s look now at the next verse following. It is the very voice of God Himself speaking. He commands the above to turn at His rebuke. Turn from their behavior, turn from their current thoughtlessness, turn from their selfishness, turn from their plan to follow their own will and not consider God’s Will. TURN ! says God.

He knows the danger ahead for these people.


Then He gives us a beautiful picture of what life here will look like if they do turn from their ways and thoughts and turn to God’s ways and commands.

God says that He will pour out HIS SPIRIT on them and on us. His Holy Spirit that the Bible tells us again and again, will live in us and guide and direct us, comfort us and pour God’s Love and Power into us.


God Himself will be within us. He will make His Words known to us. God’s knowledge and wisdom will be given.

No longer would we need to fumble about not knowing which way to go. We could have God’s wisdom and help for the asking and God living within us in the form of His Holy Spirit. The work we do will have meaning. Choices we make will be of value. Life will be that of following Christ. Thus with Christ as our Savior, we can ask God for the forgiveness of our sins and will have eternal life.

Two paths. What will be your choice?


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