A candle in the darkness

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Even to your old age and gray hairs
    I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:4 NIV

Please, Lord, let us all Inspire before we Expire.

A Candle in the Darkness

Inspire Before Expire

In a few months, I will turn 75 years old.

Three-fourths of a century has been lived. A lifetime of sunrises and seasons has flowed around me.

How to live what remains?

So often we hear of the negatives of aging instead of the positives. Are you and I going to count the limitations or the memories and wisdom we gleaned?

The Choice is Ours

The choice is ours. Exist or LIVE? The penciled-in first item on the to-do list reminds me daily: Inspire Before Expire.

I choose daily, joyfully, Inspiration before Expiration.

Our Candle

This candle in the darkness we are each given by God.

We are to hold it high and faithfully, protecting it, yet sharing its light.

The world needs us still.

Make certain each breath is used to inspire another.

Remember that the prayers of others for us can be felt and make a difference for us. We should pray and make a difference for others.

Know too, that as believers, the Presence of God is right beside us encouraging us. What an inspiration from which we may draw.

We are not alone on our journey. God’s Holy Spirit is available to those who ask, and its indwelling Love will guide and change us.

We can be used to make a difference. The Love of God can flow through us to those around us.

Live to lead another to the feet of Jesus.

Someday, soon, we will all end our earthly time, but, Oh, the glorious gift God gives us to INSPIRE before we leave to go Home.





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